Organic or Inorganic : Which Should You Consider?

The kind of fertilizer recommeFertilizersnded for your garden depends on the type of plant you grow, the cost of the fertilizer, and the impact it has on the environment. Both organic and inorganic fertilizers provide vital nutrients for plant growth. However, organic fertilizer moves slowly, providing more natural and healthily. Inorganic fertilizers provide an instantaneous dose of nutrients. Organic fertilizer is natural. It is made strictly with animal or plant-based materials. Decaying leaves, food compost, and cow manure are sources of organic fertilizer. You can check out the amazing SoHum growing soil to view the standard constituents.

Comparisons between Organic and Inorganic Fertilizers

Inorganic fertilizers are synthetic. They are made with synthetic chemicals and composed of minerals.

Organic fertilizers circulate nutrients as it breaks down, enhancing the soil and improving its ability to hold water and nutrients. It takes a long time before it breaks down completely. There is little risk of a harmful overdose of chemicals. They need microorganisms to break them down and release nutrients. It takes time for organic manure to feed your plant. 

Inorganic fertilizers give a quick dose of nutrients. Unlike organic manure, they are artificial and produced in doses. Their nutrient amount is always written on the bag, so you can buy the amount of nutrient you think your plants want. There are also inorganic fertilizers to meet plant-specific needs. But, even though they provide enough nutrients to your plant, they give nothing to the soil. 

There is a high risk of the toxic overdose of chemicals that reduce cadmium, uranium, and arsenic from the soil, this will have a negative effect on any growing vegetable or fruits around. There are experts in SoHum growing soil who can help you determine what you want and how to reduce the risk involved in it.

Organic fertilizers are created with the byproducts or end products of inherently existing processes. They are directly from nature, though they take longer time to work, and the rate of nutrient that is supplied cannot be certain, they are a healthy food source for your plants and also protects the environment. 

Inorganic fertilizers devastate the ecosystem, in the long run, and create a harmful build-up of chemicals. Using them for long damages your soil’s pH and increases pest problems. It also releases greenhouse gas.

Your plant’s needs should be a priority to you. If they need more fast food, inorganic is recommended. But if you want a long-term solution to lack of nutrients, organic will go. For a healthier plant, environment, and you, organic is recommended. SoHum growing soil contains detailed nutrients to make plants that would thrive on organic soil do well.