Important Keys to become A successful Day Trader:

Successful traders always stay neutral:

To remain neutral, you must be emotionally removed from the trading decisions you make. I’ve known day traders who were in pain for the remainder of the day, after having lost $100 or less, and once they had made $1000, they’d appear to be “on top of the world”. They definitely aren’t trading with a neutral mindset.

If you’re in the majority of people and you trade, your trading is likely to be driven by greed and fear; If you’re down $100, you’re probably not going to make a loss for the simple reason that you’ll be emotionally in pain. If you’re up by $1000 you may want to increase it, even though you’re supposed to profit. It is possible that you take profits too early due to being worried that the market could be a negative one. Professionals don’t let fluctuation of their account from day to day cause them to panic. The results of a week don’t really matter or even the results for the month. It’s only a brief moment in their careers, so fluctuation of the day doesn’t matter much. The emotional ups and downs are normal for newbies. If they affect your trading decisions in a way that is too significant I’d strongly recommend you return to trading on paper to build the confidence that you require to ensure that these oscillations don’t impact your decisions too much.

Maintaining a neutral mindset also means you look at price movements as they are and not the way you would like they should be. There is a moment when a trade you’re considering being a negative one when you begin searching for reasons to justify why it’s an investment that is worth your time and should keep it. This can be extremely risky since it causes traders to break their stops and losing huge amounts of money. The criteria for entry and exit must be clear before you trade. Making changes to your strategy while engaged in a trade is among of the most unwise actions you could do. It is easy to find an explanation for your position to move up or down however you aren’t able to observe the actual price movements any more. It’s a transition away from prediction to reaction! Day traders should never under any attempt to predict the future price movement. We as traders must take a look at the actual price movements and not the way we imagine that the price should move! Leave the prediction to investors. There are times when I observe traders taking positions in stocks that they understand extremely well from a fundamental point of view. They often mix investing and trading. This can be extremely risky. While there are reasons to take a risk on short-term trading, they typically will end up investing in it when it is not in their favor. Consider Enron.

According to David Goodnight Yes, there were moments in the Enron sell-off when trading would be justifiable. In fact, I even kept my position in Enron for a brief recover from around $8.5 or $10. The issue is that when you base your decision on the notion that the company is inexpensive and will recover it, you’ll become more likely to stay in your position or increase it if it falls. The more strongly you believe in an investment, the more difficult it is to take decisions based on actual price change. I strongly recommend you to keep an additional account dedicated to trading based on the fundamentals. An account for day-trading offers you excessive leverage, which makes it tempting to take risks that are over the top! This is not to say that it’s bad to have expectations. Everyone should be aware of what their potential trades are likely to accomplish. If those expectations are not true but, then we must to accept it and then react in accordance with what’s actually taking place.

They’re not afraid to put in the following trades:

A lack faith in trading choices makes it difficult to trade initially. There are times when you’ll discover yourself letting great opportunities slip byor waiting for more confirmation that the market is headed your way. This can mean that the trades you take in the wrong time and you find yourself chasing stocks, often coming into the middle of the move. The fear loss of money will make it difficult to lose. A lot of fear could result in you not taking losses and lead to large drawdowns or cause you to lose money too quickly even before the limit was reached. A sense of confidence in your abilities to make smart trades will enable you be patient as you are confident that eventually there will be opportunities. People who lack confidence often look for new strategies to use every whenever they experience a setback. They’re therefore unable to concentrate on one strategy and learn it. Even if you’re an skilled trader, you may be unsure at times. Try reverting to paper trading or trading shares of a small size to get back to where you are.

A Successful trader use only risk capital when trading:

If you’re trading day-to-day with the entire amount you have, without having any other source of income, you’ll be too scared to make any rational choices. There’s a saying that the money that is scared never wins. I’ve yet to find any trader who has been able to sustain a 5K trading account with no extra income.

They concentrate on a few methods that work well for them:

Many traders attempt to apply several strategies at once. They believe that they need to earn money each day. Some of the most profitable traders I have met have only a handful of strategies they have been highly effective with, and sometimes just one. It is important to discover the strategy YOU feel confident with and master it. It won’t happen by itself. Of course, you’ll need to take a look (and explore) various strategies until you discover something you’re confident with. Be aware that not every strategy will work in every market. So it’s normal to be in the shadows every time. There is no requirement to earn daily income. The trick is to make trades when your odds are favorable and to keep playing the game. Once you’ve developed your “bottom line” strategy you can gradually shift gears and apply different strategies.

They’re patient:

This begins with patience during this learning. Begin by trading in a paper format for bit. There will be mistakes, and it takes time to be confident in the trading decisions you make. Be sure to record your mistakes in writing; this will help keep you engaged. If you’re determined to begin trading live immediately, make sure you do it using a small number of shares. There is a chance to make many mistakes when trading only with a very small number of shares. If you make use of your entire purchasing power, one failed stop could wipe you out. I’ve yet to find an investor (including me) who hasn’t blown the stop once! !

David Goodnight says the patience to wait in the hope of trading opportunity is important , too. As mentioned above it is not possible to use every strategy every day. You may be waiting a long time to discover a profitable trade. There is also the possibility that you’re on an unlucky streak. A skilled trader won’t be concerned about it and will instead do something other. The thought of sitting in front of a computer trying to recoup losses is one of the worst things you could do. I would highly recommend that you set your maximum loss for each week, day and over the entire period. You should stop trading immediately if maximum losses exceed your limits. Keep in mind that so long as you remain on the field, there’s always a second day that will bring new opportunities.

  1. They’re great at managing money:

The best day traders should never put more than two percent of his trading capital in one trade. That means that if the trader has to put in an exit in a trade, the amount the trader is willing to lose will not be greater than 2percent of the capital. The 2% limit is the maximum amount you can risk. It is recommended to try to bet less than. The reason this is important is because even when correct 99% of the time, you could be able to fall 10 times one go. Sometimes this could occur to you. If you are willing to risk only a little amount of money, will you be able to weather this kind of drawdown.

  1. Highly successful traders: Trade with confidence:

I am of the opinion it is true that having confidence in your trading is the one of the most crucial factors to success in daily trading . The most successful traders I have met employ only a few simple strategies. The reason they were successful was the trust in their trading strategies and their ability to remain neutral, and to make trades based on what they perceive.


Dr. David K Simson
The author, Dr. David K Simson is a trained radiation oncologist specializing in advanced radiation techniques such as intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT), image-guided radiotherapy (IGRT), volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT) / Rapid Arc, stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT), stereotactic radiotherapy (SRT), stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS). He is also experienced in interstitial, intracavitary, and intraluminal brachytherapy.